QCC Continuing Education: Soma-Culture Liberation
**Please note: This is a Continuing Education Course ONLY for students who are enrolled and have completed the Queer Competency Certification program.**
Class Description
How is our body shaped? What experiences in our lives have led us towards certain attractions and desires? Join us for a discussion on the role culture plays on our bodily experiences. Through an examination of our own positionality and epistemology we will explore how understanding our relationship to our culture and the culture of others can lead us toward liberation.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Roger Kuhn (He/Him)is a Poarch Creek Two-Spirit Indigequeer soma-cultural sex therapist and sexuality educator. Roger’s work explores the concepts of decolonizing and unsettling sexuality and focuses on the way culture impacts and informs our bodily experiences. In addition to his work as a licensed psychotherapist, Roger is a faculty lecturer of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University. He is a board member of the American Indian Cultural Center of San Francisco and a member of the LGBTQ+ Advisory Commission of the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.